Translation Scanning Pen



  • Fantastic portable tool for reading, translating, and note-taking on the go!

    “After using the Scanmarker Pal for a few weeks, I’m impressed! This compact little device combines reading assistance, translation, and note-taking functions all in one.” – Vlad S.

  • It's all Greek to me

    "I was so excited to try this out when I first ordered it, as I love languages. However, once I opened the box I was overwhelmed by all the literature and instructions that I got anxious about trying to figure it all out and put it all back and closed the box. So, sadly, I have not actually used it. I will say this, the company offeres a one year warranty, and has gone through a lot of trouble putting the whole ensemble together, meaning they obviously believe in and take pride in their product, assuring you good accuracy and functionality for a whole year.” – Marina

  • Surprisingly impressed

    “Ever wonder what those things say on your packages you receive, we you can understand them now. When this came in I spent hours running around using the scanning function to see if it would detect and translate to and from various languages. To my surprise, I probably got 90% detection and accuracy from box to box and paper to paper.” – Tabori